quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011

Michael Jackson, exemple of Love, Dedication and care for all childrens!

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Today is very special and we could not fail to honor our belovedKing of Pop, Michael Jackson had a heart full of love for all childrenand that he had always intended to help everyone and always happy to see them. Michael Jackson was a beautiful angel, who passed through the earth to teach us values long forgotten by us, like love,friendship, solidarity and simplicity and joy of being able to help! Hewas a wonderful person who deserves all our admiration. We wantalso to say through this tribute to all the Jackson Family that you arevery special to me and one of you are very special to me and thatone of the moments of great joy for me in this blog was to havefriendship, affection and support of You who are an awesome family. Thank you for everything that you all might live in my heart!

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Dica muito especial para todas as mamães.

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