segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2015

Honor the Day of Childhood.

Today is a very important and special day for all of us, because today we pay tribute to childhood Day Which is the most important period of our lives and shouldnt be the happiest time of our lives to it is it is born an adult safe, happy and Successful. And because childhood the special and important period que influences the future of all of us, all children shouldnt have the opportunity to have a happy childhood filled with moments of joy, a healthy childhood all with the care They need one childhood Entitled to quality education because That Is the period where They are better able to learn everything que will make it to be an adult with a bright future, full of achievements que Began in childhood. Most everything we Talked about so far is very important to have a happy childhood over the more important to Ensure que child passe happy, unforgettable and special is que this child is much by loved the father, the mother, for grandma and grandpa, by godmother and the whole family for the love she Receives is the basis of a happy and healthy childhood because the beloved child gets sick less, Gere better, has an adequate growth, learn more easily because it feels safe, confident is happy to have this important base That Is love. So que day devoted to childhood must do everything so que our babies and our children have a happy childhood and it is enough to give a lot of love for Them, care for Them with love, take a special moment to play and talk with Them to be dads and moms present in Their lives and teach it with love so you are collaborating so que Their children Become balanced adults, happy and fulfilled. More there is a very sad thing still exists many children having an unhappy childhood, most every one of us can help a child have a happy childhood offering our love, our help to Them. For every child born to have a happy childhood with the right toys, games, healthy food, education and Especially the basis of childhood That Is received in this period a lot of love, affection and protection That Is What They need to Become happy adults because When We take care and give love to a child, When we devote some of our time to Them, When We give the attention They need, in addition to Cooperate to transform Their childhood happier, we are also contributing to Them for lack of love in childhood not traverse the paths of violence, drugs, fracaso, depression it is love that will protect this child such as bad destinations and takes her to the path of achievements, Successes, of happiness, because When You help a child to have a happy childhood you help the world to be better.

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Parabéns Isabella voc