quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2015

Michael Jackson: A great love that will always is in our hearts.

Today is completing six years that our dear and unforgettable Michael left us to live in heaven. Despite the years our love for him remains very strong in our hearts because we will never forget this beautiful human being with your love, with your affection, with its simplicity made our life happier because he was a great friend, an exemplary father, an incredible human being who taught us that we can turn the worst situations through the love we have in our hearts because it was on the strength of that love he had in his heart that he transformed the lives of so many children around the world children he helped and loved all his life because he devoted all his love, care and attention to them. Michael will always be important and special in our lives because it was a gift from God in our lives that without it became sad and filled with a huge longing for his presence filled the joy of our lives, their presence was all the our joy. More even being in heaven he will always be present in our lives, in our hearts and we will always remember with great affection and many miss all live together with him. These memories will is always alive in our hearts that does not forget him ever since he will always have a special place in our hearts and in our lives, he will always present in our thoughts and in our prayers because he will always be one more important and special in our lives because we will always this attached to it through our hearts for it is the love we feel for it makes us feel about him, and it is this love that makes us feel his sweet presence, that makes us feel and have sure that love never dies, that love is always alive in our hearts will always be juntinho him that even the sky is still feeling the strength of our love, a love that will leave us united forever. Because it will always be very special and always will be our love. And in this day we miss our dear Michael as he'll have an attitude of love, to lessen the pain of longing that we feel by its absence today we do a needy children with cancer, abandoned happy we say to our dear Angel through a child how much we love, we bring joy to the children he loved so much, we bring a toy, a warm blanket and also take our heart full of love for them we will dedicate some of our time to let them do as he did tell story, have a massage, sing, play with them. For these attitudes of love will make him feel our immense love for him and even with an immense longing we feel again your joy, remember your smile and how he felt happy when he helped children he so He loved. Our dear Michael will never leave this in our hearts that will always feel you so much because our world was sadder after he left us. It will always be very special in my life because he is my inspiration in carrying out this work I dedicate every day to him, this work that I realize with much love for all children and for him who taught us to love and help children of the world as he did and why he's so important, so loved and beloved by all of us who will always remember him missing a lot and with great love, today we prepared a beautiful videos with beautiful photos and a beautiful song to honor the our Angel of Love that will forever be in our hearts.

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Um abençoado final de semana para todos.